

Bart Chabot started his career as a performing poet. 'Can you deliver on stage?' was more important than publishing. Through the years, poetry and performance gradually grew apart. Inspired by the tension between these two sides of Chabot's personality, Jeroen S. Rozendaal, Roel van Tour and Pim van Alten created the dramatized documentary 'Interzone' in which the protagonist gets trapped in Chabot's poems in a hotel room on tour.
While filming, Chabot fell ill with serious consequences. Therefore, the film marks the end of an era in which Bart Chabot presented himself as performing poet and all-round TV personality.

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"The difficult balance between buffoonery and poetry - a beautiful debut about Chabot"
Peter de Bruijn - NRC

Written and Directed by Jeroen S. Rozendaal
Cinematography by Roel van Tour
Soundmixing by Ranko Paukovic
Production design by Rosie Stapel
Visual Effects by Ferry van Schijndel
Grading by Barend Onneweer
Title Design by Rufus Ketting
Produced by Studio Rev, Omroep West
Starring Bart Chabot, Raymond Thiry, Remco Campert, Gerrit Komrij, Ronald Giphart, Anton Corbijn and Tjitske Jansen.​​​​​​

Edited on Final Cut Pro

Running time 50 min